The Best Family Fun For Everyone

The Best Family Fun For Everyone

Family fun, especially fun that will work for everyone, can be hard to come by.

Balloons, cards, and blank paper with text overlay –  The best family fun for everyone.
Balloon, cards and paper with text overlay – 5+ indoor, easy family fun.
Balloons with text overlay –  Best family fun.
Balloon, cards and wads of paper with text overlay –  The best family fun.

We are a three generational household.

Sometimes…o.k, maybe more than sometimes is it hard to find family fun that all four of us can participate in that is active enough for my son lol.

He loves to run, and run and jump and climb.

And did I mention run?

But we have found two activities that not only gets my son laughing and having so much fun but his grandparents can fully participate.

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I’ve even seen them laughing and enjoying themselves so much during these it makes me so happy 🙂

Now, if that’s not enough then get this.

The only things you need for this family fun is a balloon, some paper and a deck of cards!!!

Yup, you heard that correct!

A balloon, paper and cards.

So let’s get to it!

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Family Activities

So no matter the weather, too rainy, hot, cold, windy, stormy, you will be able to keep your family busy and having fun will little prep.


+Don’t let the balloon fall to the ground.

Keeping the balloon in the air as long as possible is one of our most favorite!

+Keep away.

If you have at least three people to play this one is great.

Maybe don’t pick the smallest/youngest of the group, it’s not fair 🙂

+Use a racket or paddle of some sort and hit it around.

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Deck of Cards-


If you have a child who is learning their numbers then this game is perfect.

What better way for them to practice their number knowledge.

A rainy day doesn’t have to be boring!

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It can be a quick game between two people but could easily be played with multiple people.

Deal the deck of cards between all the players.

You’ll place all your cards in a pile and upside down.

Everyone flips their top card at the same time up and whoever has the highest card wins that round and takes all the played cards.

The way we play – two is the lowest and ace is the highest.

The game continues until only one player has cards, or until you want to stop 🙂


You can match numbers, colors or suites.

Don’t feel like you need to use the whole deck.

Just make sure you have correct matches and use those.


+Have a snowball fight.

Yup, you heard me correctly!

My son came home from preschool one day and asked for some pieces of printer paper.

He balled them all up and we preceded to have an awesome snowball fight!!!

We even store them in the freezer so they stay ‘cold’ 🙂

P.s. the longer you play the softer the paper gets.

And of course you do not need printer paper.

Do you have magazines, newspapers, old mail/envelopes.

Anything similar will work!

This is definitely one of our most favorite family fun activities!

Which of these family fun activities/games will you play today? Please share it with us in the comments below. Thanks!