7 Things You Didn’t Know About Losing Weight

7 Things You Didn’t Know About Losing Weight

Are you in the process of losing weight?

A scale and weights with text overlay – 7 Things You Didn't Know About Losing Weight.
A scale and weights with text overlay – 7 Things You Didn't Know About Losing Weight.

I’m sure you’ve done lots of research.

Read all the tips, tricks, hacks and suggestions?

But there are certain things no one ever seems to talk about or tell you about when you’re losing weight.

Over my many, many years of losing weight, then gaining weight now working on losing weight again, these seven (7) things will hopefully give you the encouragement and push to get through the hard times and to make it through to your end goal!

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Losing weight doesn’t always mean a body change.

Even with working out your body shape may stay the same. 

This is one thing that gets me every time!

Yes, I might get a little definition here and there and sure, if I flex my arms or my legs you’ll see the muscles I’ve built but a lot of my (I’m going to be positive here) curves are still in the same places.

Curves, I’ll be honest, I wish would go away!

Whether I’ve lost 20 pounds or 50 pounds, my body shrinks but ‘stays’ the same.

Don’t get discouraged by this!

Instead, start measuring yourself.

I find that seeing the numbers on the measuring tape shrinking is easier to understand and focus on than whether or not my clothes are feeling looser.

Muscle weighs more than fat.

Muscle weighs more than fat!

If you’re lifting weights as part of your weight loss program, which you should be, you may gain some weight before you lose some. 

Print out your weight loss reminders now!

Don’t let this deter you because…..

Muscle burns fat faster

Muscle burns fat faster and for a longer time than without it.

And do you know which part of your body has some of the largest muscles? I.e. the ones you’ll want to work to get you the best effects?

Your lower half, specifically your bottom (which is the largest muscle in your body) and your quads and hamstrings (front and backs of the tops of your legs).

So do those squats and lunges!

Or better yet, invest in P90X3 and start gaining that muscle.

Plus, strength training helps strengthen your bones, which you’ll need and want as you get older!

Losing weight may be more about eating right.

Eating properly is maybe more important than exercise. 

Think about it.

Let’s just say you do an hour of hard working out, then treat yourself to pizza, pop and a bunch of cookies.

Unfortunately, the way calories work, you’ve just eaten more calories than you worked off.

Related Post: Breakfast Ideas

Now, I’m not saying you can’t have any of those three things I mentioned, you just need to pay attention to when and how much you’re having.

A lot more things have carbs in them than you might know.

So carbs in and of themselves are not bad for you.

What I do and my suggestion to you is to find, let’s say, one day a week when you can splurge/treat yourself.

And I do mean splurge 🙂

Eat that whole large pizza by yourself, get your favorite dessert and just devour it, whatever your splurge means.

Find out what works best for you, then stick with it!

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The trick next is to get back into eating better the next day, until the next week!

Now, you need to know yourself and/or find out about yourself through the process.

If you struggle with getting back on track then maybe having a huge splurge isn’t your best bet.

Maybe try a smaller splurge every few days.

But figure out how you can maintain a better eating habit.

Losing weight should be a lifestyle change.

O.k., so maybe you’ve heard this one but it’s important.

There are so many different reasons why we want to lose weight.

Your wedding, a reunion, a certain birthday, our kids, our health, or just because you know it’s the right thing to do.

If it becomes a lifestyle change you’ll manage to keep the weight off!

Wouldn’t that be awesome?

So, don’t stress yourself to lose x amt of weight in x amt of time. Think of it as a lifestyle change, not a right-now thing! 

This leads to my last point.

One day at a time

I know it sounds like a cliche but it has made such a difference for me!

Take it one day at a time.

One meal at a time.

Try to know your schedule.

Meals, schedule, etc. so you can be prepared but still take it one day at a time! 

There are plenty of times when I’ve wanted to just eat, and eat, and eat.

But then I remind myself that in two days we’re going out to eat or getting together with friends.

I’d rather enjoy my time out with family or friends than with whatever I happen to have at home!

Losing weight won’t happen overnight

It’s so easy to read all those articles suggesting you can lose all this weight in a short amount of time.

Maybe that’s true, but guess what, it still took that time to lose it.

I have a lot to lose at this point and it could easily take more than eight months to finally get it all off.

While it’s happening it’s going to feel like forever, so I just have to stay strong and remember to take everything one day at a time.

Don’t forget to print out your weight loss reminders now!

In Conclusion

I hope these tips will help you.

Whether you need to lose five pounds or fifty, ten or a lot more, focus on these tips, focus on yourself and your health and I know that with time you’ll be able to crush your goals.

Which tip do you think is most helpful in losing weight? Please share with us in the comments below. Thanks!