3 Unique Things To Do In Tucson, AZ

3 Unique Things To Do In Tucson, AZ
Desert landscape with text overlay – 3 Unique Things To Do In Tucson, AZ.
Saguaro cacti with text overlay – 3 unique things to do in Tucson, AZ.
A flowering saguaro cacti with text overlay – 3 unique things in Tucson, AZ.
A saguaro cactus with text overlay – Unique things to do in Tucson.

This post, 3 Unique Things To Do In Tucson, AZ, was originally published in August 2017 and has been completely updated in February 2022.

Have you ever been to Tucson, Arizona?

Are you planning a trip there soon?

Ever wanted to visit the desert?

Well, I’ve had the pleasure of visiting Tucson, and there are 3 extremely unique things to do in the area.

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First, some housekeeping notes:

  1. I would visit during the winter months. November through March will be the best in terms of temperature (the mid-60s to mid-70s, rather than 100s). And at least in terms of Old Tucson, they are really only open daily from January through April. We’ll get into that more later 🙂
  2. Make sure you always have water on you. It’s a dry heat there and the last thing you want is to get dehydrated!!!! I either had my water bottle always with me or used my hydration pack.
  3. Sunscreen, sunglasses, and bug spray are a must too!

Now on to the fun stuff and no, they aren’t in any particular order 🙂

Biosphere 2

Do you know what the biosphere is?

Well, as defined by Dictionary.com, it’s the part of the earth’s crust, waters, and atmosphere that supports life.

So, Earth is Biosphere 1 (if you go they ask you this, so you’ll be ahead of the game 😉 you’re welcome!).


And Biosphere 2 is located just north of Tucson.

It’s a collection of buildings and structures that house a rain forest, aquaponics, desert, the ocean and more.

They have a wonderful tour that you can take that actually allows you to walk through all these areas!

I took my 3-year-old and he was not exactly excited about taking the tour.

You receive headphones so that no matter where your guide is you can hear them. He was more interested in playing with the headphones than listening.

Needless to say, it is still a great tour to take and I highly recommend it for any family. ( 🙂 Just know your family 🙂 )

Old Tucson

Update as of February 2022: Old Tucson is changing ownership but, as of this post, is still planning to be an old western attraction and maintain its movie past.

If you love the wild, wild west, and/or western movies and/or tv shows then Old Tucson is your place to go.

Not only do they have memorabilia from many movies or tv shows you’ve probably seen but they have lots from some you may have never heard of.

It is a mini replica of a western town, complete with stores, hotels, saloons, horses, stagecoaches, the list goes on!!!

Speaking of stagecoaches, that is one of the fun activities you can participate in during your visit.

It is an extra cost once inside but it is worth it.

You get a tour, of sorts, around the site along with facts, information, and jokes 🙂

I’d say the extra cost was definitely worth it!

If you’re not interested in paying for the stagecoach they do have a train ride that’s included in admission.

It travels around Old Tucson and gives you some beautiful views of the Sonoran Desert.

The engineer gives some great information about the area too.

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There are so many additional activities to enjoy, the whole family will be entertained.

My son, at 3 years old, loved panning for gold.

It’s not real gold unfortunately but it is seeded so you’re guaranteed to find some and what you find you get to take home with you. (Note: this was an extra cost too) 

He also loved driving the old antique cars (included in admission), again and again 🙂

My mom enjoys shows and there were plenty throughout the day to go see.

One note: they are western-based so maybe not too suitable for your children depending on their age and sensitivity to subjects or sounds.

My dad loves the history.

There were several buildings with memorabilia and snippets of movies that could keep you enthralled all day!

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Needless to say, we split up to do some of these different activities as my son wouldn’t have probably sat still for any show nor would I have wanted him to see some of the shows (shooting, hanging, burlesque), and mom wasn’t so interested in riding the cars for the umpteenth time lol 🙂

There are several options for food from hamburgers to ribs.

(Please note: they do not have milk so if you are taking little ones make sure you bring your own!)

Souvenirs are a-plenty!

So make sure you have extra allotted.

Not only food/candy but also little items, plush toys, etc.

Oh, and know, to leave Old Tucson you have to walk through a gift shop 🙂

As I mentioned earlier, they are not open daily throughout the year, only really through part of the winter/spring months.

Please make sure you check their website before visiting!

Saguaro National Park

Now, for me, when I think of a National Park, I think of trees and animals.

Being someone who is more used to trees and grass, the desert is an enigma to me!

It is beautiful in its own right but having visited this Park I now have a much greater appreciation for the desert.

First, in case you don’t know your cacti ;), Saguaro is a type of cactus.

I would dare even say that it is the type of cactus you think of when you hear the word.

They can grow to over 40 feet tall, can live up to 200 years old, they are only found in the US and there are more in this park per area than in any other area.

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When you look out while at the park you will be truly blown away by the sheer number of saguaro you’ll see. It is a majestic site.

Speaking of, we got the chance to watch a short video when we visited their visitor center and it shares why you should appreciate the park, the cacti, and the desert.

Note: The Park is actually in two!

The west side is where we went and what I’m referring to when speaking of the Park, but there is an east side too which is, of course, on the east of Tucson.

Tucson splits the park in two.

The video shows scenes of the area but, to me, the best part was they had a Native American sharing their views of the area.

It was interesting to hear him talk that they consider the cacti to be the ancestors – parents, grandparents, etc. who have passed but are still here to be with them.

The idea is that we return to the earth, etc. when we pass. 

And in fact, if you look at the horizon during sunset or sunrise the cacti will look like people.

I tried it and sure enough, they definitely do look like people!!!

Needless to say, it gave me a better appreciation of the desert and cacti!

In Conclusion

There you have it.

3 unique things to do in Tucson, AZ that you don’t want to miss!

Technically, you could do all three in one day if you’re willing to get up early and not actually spend too much time in the Park (just driving through it rather than stopping at the visitor center and/or taking any tours or going hiking) or in Old Tucson.

But I would definitely suggest you give yourself time at the Park and at Old Tucson.

Oh, and just to let you know, Old Tucson is technically inside the Park so to do Old Tucson you’ll get to driving through the Park anyway.

I hope, the next time you are in the Tucson area, you get the chance to visit one of these 3 unique destinations!

Have you been to any of these? Which one of these 3 unique things to do in Tucson would you like to visit? Please share with us in the comments below! Thanks 🙂

2 thoughts on “3 Unique Things To Do In Tucson, AZ

  1. I visited the Biosphere a few years ago on a visit to Tucson, it was awesome! I don’t know what we were expecting but we spent a good chunk of our day exploring, I would absolutely go back!

    • Oh nice!! Yea, it’s definitely a different experience and I’d love to go back when my son is older and can appreciate it more.

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