9 Weight Loss Journey Tips

9 Weight Loss Journey Tips

Are you looking for some weight loss journey tips?

A path through the woods with text overlay – 9 weight loss journey tips.
Weight loss items with text overlay – Weight loss journey tips.
A stone path through a flower garden with text overlay – Weight loss tips.

Sounds weird to call it a journey, huh?

I know, we don’t really think of it that way, right?

But, I believe we should.

And I’ll share some of those reasons below as we go through my weight loss journey tips and expectations.

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Weight Loss Journey Tips


Have you thought about how long it will take you to lose weight?

If you’re like me, I’m sure you calculate it lots.

Tell me, does it go something like this:

If I can lose 2 pounds a week then in x amount of weeks I’ll finally be down to my goal weight.

That’s normally my train of thought.

This has changed over the last few months.

And this is the main reason I consider this a journey.

I understand now that it will probably take longer than expected.

Part of it is that your body will start to adjust to how you’re eating and exercising.

Meaning, if you are eating, at say 1200 calories, at some point your body will adjust and you will no longer be able to lose weight at that calorie point.

Which means, then you’ll need to drop your calories even lower.

But at this point, you may have already ‘lost’ a week or two realizing that.

Now you’ve figured out that you need to drop your calories some more.

Either that or reverse diet!

More than likely your weight loss will, or should be considered a journey rather than a quick fix!

Relearning Habits

Most of us have gotten to this weight loss journey because of our eating and exercising habits.

My next weight loss journey tip is to take this time to learn new habits, liking eating more protein or adding in weightlifting.

Don’t Starve Yourself 

Starving yourself is not the answer.  

I know for some of us, it feels like it is.

I also know that for some of us it has worked at some in our lives.

Or even currently is “working” but believe me, there are better ways to lose weight than to starve yourself!

Related Post: Overcoming Weight Loss Obstacles


These next two are some of my favorite weight loss journey tips!


Guess what?

You do not have to be doing such hard-core exercising every day!

Trust me.

Over the last year I have managed to lose over 20 pounds but, more importantly, about 3 to 4 pant sizes while only doing weightlifting.

Yes, sometimes I lift heavy but it’s nothing compared to when I was doing HIIT workouts!


Along with not needing to do intense workouts, they also don’t need to be hours long!

Yes, you can lose weight by only working out 3 days a week for an average of 30-45 minutes each workout.  

Lifting weights is amazing for your weight loss, especially if you want to focus on fat loss and not just general weight loss.

Break It Up

Another fantastic weight loss journey tip to make sure you follow.

Take your journey in chunks.

If you’re like me, you probably think of your weight loss journey as in wanting to lose x pounds, right?

That’s fine but it’s helpful to break it up into smaller sections so that you can celebrate along the way.

For example, focus on that first 5 pounds, 1 inch, or getting into a smaller size pants/dress.

Then, you move on to your next 5 pounds, etc..

You’ll see success faster and it’ll help you keep going.

Check Your Clothes

Still, give yourself a month or so but after that start checking how your smaller clothes are fitting.

It’s a nice feeling to start fitting into them 🙂

Measure Yourself

Measure yourself with a scale but also with a tape measure.

You may not see movement on the scale but you’ll probably see it in inches!

Which of these weight loss journey tips will help you the most! Please share it with us in comments below so we can all learn. Thanks!