Weight Loss Goals: How To Figure Them Out

Weight Loss Goals: How To Figure Them Out

How do you determine your weight loss goals? 

Feet standing on a scale with text overlay – Weight Loss Goals.
A lady wearing baggy jeans with text overlay – Weight Loss Goals. How to figure them out.
Blueberries and raspberries with text overlay – How to figure out your weight loss goals.

Is it simply about (hitting) a (specific) number on a scale that you want/ need to hit. That will make your life complete? 

Did you know that there are lots of factors that will determine you ability to loss weight? 

Not only that, but for us ladies, the time of the month will also have an effect on our weight.  

And if you’ve been following any of my posts over the last year, I’ve been on my own weight loss journey.  

But I’ve learned a lot along the way and want to make sure you come back to this post.  

So let me just mention some of these different factors first.  

Weight Loss Factors

  • Stress
  • Hormones
  • Sleep
  • Bowel Movements 
  • Past Weight Loss
  • Maintenance Calories

Related Post: Weight loss roadblocks

So once you know some of your possible roadblocks, you can then start figuring out what your best weight loss goal options will be.

But let’s start with what those options even are 🙂

Weight Loss Goals

Scale Weight

This one is straight forward.

What number do you want to see on the scale?

It’s easy enough to look online and find out based on your height what ‘they say’ you should weigh.

I’m 5’4″ and they say I should weight anywhere between 110 and as high is 151.

Now to me that’s a pretty huge range.

I mean, I guess it’s kinds nice.

Theoretically I can be in a healthy range at 151, the same as 110?

But then to be really healthy I need to get all the way down to 110?

To be honest I’ve shot to get down to like 115.

Mostly because then I figure if/when I gain some of the weight back I’ll still be in m weight range.

At my lowest, as a teen I think I got down to 117.

As and adult I got down to around 120 and it felt great!

I even managed to maintain for several months but as always, I didn’t keep to what I was doing to get it and so therefore didn’t manage to keep it off.

It’s not a bad goal but I will encourage you to, at least, not have this be your only goal!

Or take it in bite sizes.

I’ve been focusing on each 10 pounds separately.

Instead of thinking about the total weight you need to lose, try small doses.

The full amount to lose can feel way to overwhelming, right?

I still have about maybe 40 pounds I’ve love to lose but that’ll take forever if I think of it in that way.

This is another reason to find another goal to help you on your journey.


Clothing or otherwise.

Do you have a specific dress, pair of jeans or top that you’d just really love to get back into?

This can be a strong motivator.

It can also help you see your progress.


Is your weight loss goal really more of being fit?

Being able to lift, press or bench a certain number?

Maybe finally being able to do five push-ups or say five pull-ups?

This is another one I love.

The best part about it is you can keep changing it, right?

Start with those five push-ups, then it can be upped to 10.

Then 20, etc.

It can always be upped and improved.

Unlike the scale goal, which is finite, strength can always be increased.

The Best Weight Loss Goal

To be honest, I think the size and strength goals are the best.

And the best in coordination with each other!

Think about it.

Your scale weight will fluctuate every single day.

Not only every day but also throughout the day.

Unless you can accept that throughout a month your weight will fluctuate and/or that your weight does not represent your body image then it will not be your best weight loss goal option.

Now, if your scale weight is still important to you then take it in those little bites.

Because you might just find that, when combined with strength, that you won’t need to get down to that specific scale number.

Remember, the size of one pound of muscle is significantly smaller than one pound of fat.

So gain those muscles, lose that fat and see how size might matter more than that scale 🙂

Which one of these weight loss goals fits you the best? Please share it with us in the comments below. Thanks!