Fall Asleep Easier With These Tips

Fall Asleep Easier With These Tips

Do you wish you could fall asleep easier?

Do you ever have problems falling asleep at night?

A lady sleeping with text overlay – Fall asleep. 10 tips to make it easier.
A bed with text overlay – Fall asleep easier with these tips. 10+ tips you can use tonight.
An alarAn alarm clock with text overlay – Fall asleep easier. Easy tips and tricks to try tonight!m clock with text overlay – Fall asleep easier. Easy tips and tricks to try tonight!

Is it a constant thing or just an every once in a while thing?

For me, typically, it’s a once in a while thing.

It still happens now but I’ll give you my tips and tricks to help you fall asleep and maybe even get better sleep.

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Reasons you can’t fall sleep

We all know the probable reasons why we can’t sleep, right?

Stress, boredom even, possibly even eating and exercise habits, anxiety and maybe even excitement.

Do any of these sound familiar to you?

It’s easy in this day and age for it to be several of these things right?

So let’s talk about some ways we can help ourselves fall asleep and hopefully get a decent night’s sleep!

Tips to fall asleep faster


I used to use melatonin.

It worked for me.

The reason I stopped, mostly, was my son.

The ‘warning’ for melatonin is that you need to give yourself at least 8 hours to sleep.

Well, with a little one, especially one that sleeps with you in the same bed, there is no promise of 8 hours of sleep.

Not only that, I was so worried about being so out of it that I might not have been able to take care of my son if he needed me.

I didn’t want to chance it.

If you have the whole night then it’s definitely a great option!


Find a good book, or maybe a boring one and read for a time.

Better yet if you have a night light or bedside lamp that doesn’t put off as much light as your full room light.

This usually works for me, unless of course, it’s getting near the end of the book, in which case it’s not smart for me to keep reading lol.

Playing a game

So I know they say it’s a big no no to play on your cellphone/ipad/etc. before going to bed.

And while I think, in general, it’s probably a smart thing to do.

I’ve also found myself getting sleepy while playing a game.

So, by all means, if you have a game that you know calms you then go for it!


Sometimes just having a good stretch might be all you need to help your body relax enough to finally fall asleep.

Be active

Now, this is not something to be done at bedtime.

But try being more active during the day.

Whether that be exercising, or simply not sitting/laying around all day.

Do some laps around your place.

How about some squats or wall push-ups while your waiting for you food to cook.

Every little extra movement will help your body be more ready to rest.

Use your imagination

I read once, this person imagined that they were walking into a dark room and closing the door behind them.

They’d keep doing that until they feel asleep.

I’ve used this tip a few times and it has definitely worked.


Keep a notebook /pad of paper next to your bed so that at any point something comes into your mind you can quickly write it down.

This will help you let it go.

You will no longer need to worry about it or focus on it because you’ve written it down.

Write down things that are bothering you.

Things you need to get done tomorrow.

Anything you didn’t get done today but still need to get accomplished.

How about things that are stressing you, worrying you, etc.

Writing them down really help.

It really is a great technique!

Being grateful

Another easy tip to help you fall asleep easier is thinking about things you’re grateful for.

Along with the above tip, write down three things about the day you’re grateful for.

It will help calm and settle your mind.

They can be big, it can be small.

It could be as simple as getting to eat a favorite food/dessert (yes, I’m a foodie :))

Did you get to watch a favorite show?

How about getting a project done, gettin a phone call in?

It could be anything.

Don’t worry about it being too small.

It’s good to realize even all these little things to be grateful for.

Related Post: Being Grateful

Top tips to help you fall asleep

Now, here are my favorite three tips and tricks to help you fall asleep.


Chamomile Tea

I never thought I’d be a tea drinker but here I am, lol.

Now, I’ll be honest, it’s still not my all-time favorite, but chamomile tea works!

I have found that it works on me within about 30 minutes.

I try to make sure I go to the bathroom within that 30 minutes.

And yes, I normally have to go in the middle of the night but I’ve never had a problem getting back to sleep so it’s worth it to me.

Heating pad

I love my heating pad.

I actually don’t use it more than a few times a month.

But if one reason you can’t sleep is because you’re achy then invest in a larger style heating pad and one with an automatic turn off.

Mine turns off after two hours which is normally enough to help me fall asleep 🙂


Lavender is another great option I use.

I sprinkle a few drops on both ends of my pillow.

It’s just enough to help calm me as I’m working to fall asleep.

Which one of these do you think you’ll try first? Please share it with us in the comments below. Thanks!