How To Start Something

How To Start Something

Are you trying to figure out how to start something?

A messy corner of a room with text overlay –  Just Start. How to start anything!
A person walking some stones with text overlay –  How to start something.
Exercise mats with text overlay –  Start something. 5 tips to get you going.

Or rather have you been putting off starting something because it just feels way too overwhelming?

how about this one, you, admittedly, have just been lazy about starting?

Does someting feel like it’ll take forever so why even start?

Now this one is differetn because some things feel like they can be started then paused.

Like cleaning a room.

But not so, much losing weight, right?!

What if I told you even losing weight can be started with little steps.

I won’t get into that right now but within each point as I make it throughout this post.

So let’s get into it.

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Like I mentioned before sometimes we get so caught up with how big a task feels that we never start, right?

But there are things you can do to start something.

Start Something by Breaking it Down

It might be helpful to break down your big tasks into smaller pieces.

For example, insteading of thinking of the amount of weight you have to lose, how about focusing on the first 5 or 10 pounds.

Guess waht through, that can even be brocken down too.

Maybe you’re not sure how to lose that first 5 pounds.

Related Post: Overcoming weight loss challenges

How about trying to drink more water each day.

Or even just adding a glass of water to each day.

You could even replace one drink with water each day.

Seriously, if that even seems too much try doing it once a week.

Another example instead of thinking about the whole room that needs to desperately be cleaned, pick one area to start with.

Like pick a table, chair, corner of the floor and focus your attention there.

But again, guess what, that can even be broken down more.

Start with deciding how you’re going to organize.

Organize by writing it down!

For example: are you going to keep the item, throw it away or donate it?

And guess what?

By this point, step one is done!

See that wan’t so bad, right?

And now, since you know how it’s going to be organized you can start.

Start Something by Writing It Down

Simply by writing it down can do wonders.

Not only will you get it out of your head but it’ll be readily available to look at whenever you need a reminder.

Your next little step can be to get a trash ag so that you can just put your throw away stuff right in it instead of having another pile 🙂

So, honestly, how long would this take?

Well, since I kinda got you started :), it should take you , what, one minute?

That’s not so bad, right?

And guess what, something this is the hardest.

The first few steps.

Once you get going some times it can be easy to keep going.

‘A body in motion tends to stay in motion.”????????

Now, it’s just a matter of taking the rest in chunks too.

But this is where the next tip comes in.

Start Something by Setting A Timer

Set your self a 5- minute timer.

You only need to ‘work’ for those 5 minutes.

I don’t want to ruin the surprise but I’ll tell you a little secret.

You may just find yourself in a groove, even after only 5 minutes.

Which means….keep going 🙂

I workout, or try to, before my son wakes up, so around 5am or so.

Even though I may still manage to get a good nights sleep I don’t always want to get up to workout.

Related Post: Sleep Easier

Very often, I have to tell myself, ‘just do one move’. (I lift weights)

And if that’s it I can try to squeeze the rest in later in the day.

but, besides when my time runs out, I’ve always finished my workouts. (30-50 minutes)

Same when I start clening/organizing.

Once I get started I can ususally do a good bit of what ever it is I’m trying to accomplish.

Now…this also leads us to our next point.

Start Something by Just Starting

  • Put one piece of paper away.
  • Throw away one piece of trash.
  • Drink one glass of water.
  • So 5 squats while you’re waiting for whatever to cook in the microwave.
  • Fold one piece of laundry.
  • Put one piece of laundry in the laundry basket.

it doesn’t have to be big.

Just do one small thing then work on building that up.

Here’s one of my favorite quotes:

Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.

-EArl Nightingale

Now, I know cleaning a room, etc. may not be a ‘dream’ but i bet it’ll feel great to get started on the task.

Start Something because Time Will Pass Anyway

So this one is a little more of a motivational tip.

It goes along with the above quote.

In a year from now, you can either be exactly where you are now…or worse.

Or, you can be ahead of the game.

Which would you rather?

Be able to look back and see that nothing’s really changed?

How about being able to see that you’ve successfully lost those first 5, 10, 20+ pounds or that half that room – or maybe even :0 the whole room is now cleaned and straighted?

So take that first babysteps and see just how far you can go!

You might just impress yourself:)

I’m already proud of you!

Now go out and tackle life!!!

Do these sound doable? Please share it with us in the comments below. Thanks!